Lion Linux for lowest machimes

We use in base system MX Linux

Lion Linux for lowest machimes

We use in base system MX Linux

Lion Linux for lowest machimes

We use in base system MX Linux

Lion Linux for lowest machimes

We use in base system MX Linux

Lion Linux for lowest machimes

We use in base system MX Linux

Lion Linux for lowest machimes

We use in base system MX Linux

What is Lion Linux?

Lion Linux is an operating system for desktop and laptop computers. It is designed to work ‘out of the box’ and comes fully equipped with the apps most people need.

Graphic Design

Work in 3D with Blender, draw or edit pictures in Gimp, use Inkscape for vector graphics.


With LibreOffice’s complete office suite, use the word processor, make presentations, drawings, spreadsheets or even databases. Easily import from or export to PDF or Microsoft Office documents.


Enjoy your music, watch TV and movies, listen to podcasts, Spotify and online radio.


Access more than 7,800 games with Steam. Install GOG to get even more.

Desktop Environments (DE)

Our distribution is focused on low-resource or average computers, in 32 bits and 64 bits.

For this, we use Debian 11.7 in its 32-bit and 64-bit versions, as the base system to build our ISOs.

We are in the following Desktop Environments:

GNOME LFS Debian 11.7 codename God 1.0 32 and 64 bits (and I3WM)

XFCE Devuan Chimera 4.0

XFCE Debian 11.7 (Server) God 1.0 64 bits

Latest news from our blog

Lion Linux Promotional Video



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Achievements ***

Thank you God for giving me the wisdom and intelligence to make this Distribution to you be the Glory and I dedicate my effort to you.
